Monday, September 10, 2012

A Living Painting

Artists use space to create in. Space is their canvas:   the 'holder' for their creation.

Musicians' 'canvas' is time. They 'paint' onto the canvas of time.

A book described our facial expressions as 'painting'- there are primary colors (a few basic movements) then we blend our own variation of the primary colors & 'paint' a unique picture. Our smiles & movements 'paint' onto space. We use our voice & our words to create into time. 

You are a living painting, a progressive song- always new- being sculpted and written every day. You change every day-every moment you grow- so you aren't the same person twice.

Isn't it Amazing that every moment, every day we are artists? Are you painting and singing something you want to give to people?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Two koalas- one cup

Koalas eat their mom's shit.
Gross, right? 

I feel as a society- we have become so accustomed to gobbling down bullshit that we think it's normal. We trick ourselves into thinking we are benefiting from something that is actually toxic and has no nutritional value. 

We use pacifiers... things that promise to take our pain away, but really- they just deplete us.

Americans are more overweight, over-medicated and under-satisfied, than ever.

We think we relieve tension by using something... anything... Feeding ourselves on alcohol, Xanax, empty calories, video games, music, church, drugs, plastic surgery, movies, TV, running, facebooking, working. We distract ourselves from our pain. We hold up shiny keys to make us look away from our true faces. So we won't see the rawness of our loneliness. We self-medicate, we pacify with whatever our 'drug of choice' is.

Some of those things listed are healthy, but anything can be used in an unhealthy way: as a distraction from the skeletons in our closet. We don't want to see harsh reality with all its' pain, all its' gore, all its' heartbreaking mistakes.

The koalas eat eucalyptus leaves. The leaves have almost no nutrition- so the koalas have no energy. They sleep 20 hrs a day. My theory as to how it got so bad (babies suckling from their mothers' anuses) is that they fell into complacency by feeding themselves something readily available, convenient, but of no REAL value to their benefit. They no longer had the energy to forage for real food-and this...  crap... is abundant. Then, the babies somehow realize the feces has more nutrition than the leaves, and they are resourceful buggers, so they start sucking on their mother's assholes to get what they need. The next generation doesn't know any better- it's become the 'norm.' All their friends grew up being anus-fed.
No one thinks it's weird.

Pacifiers promise what they can't deliver. 

I believe we are created to receive comfort from unconditional relationships.

When we turn to something we can control (since we can't control people-- or God) we deceive ourselves into thinking we are receiving comfort from our drug of choice. The comfort is temporary. And very dangerous.  We are feeding on bullshit- something imitating REAL NOURISHMENT. 

A plastic nipple don't give no milk.

It's counterfeit currency, something synthesized to recreate a certain fullness. Valium counterfeits peace. Alcohol can counterfeit joy. I'm not saying these are bad in and of themselves, but what are we expecting from them? How much value are we placing on pharmaceutical peace? What do we do if we don't have them?

I joke (morbidly) that most average people don't die of overdoses because we can't afford mass amounts of drugs. When we have unlimited resources- where does our self-control go?
Why do we think we 'need' so many calories?
Why do we allow ourselves to slide down the slippery slope of addiction?
Why do we fight and claw to avoid asking ourselves hard questions?
Why can't we take an honest look into our face?

How do we dislodge our lips from our mother's asshole and stop nursing on bullshit?

Why are we so driven to deceive ourselves?